Monday, 16 May 2011

cash flow charts, google optimisation, wtf??!?!

Ever get the feeling that you need a dictionary in life?! Well I am beginning to realise that setting up my own business is a whole new world and language to me.
I have been a busy bee researching, getting in touch with suppliers, completing paper work, but after my second meeting with my business advisor today, I have come to realise I have only just scratched the surface of this journey into self employment.
I made an attempt to talk to a fellow market stall holder after being introduced by the market officer. The answers I got to every question was 'lots' or 'I dont know'. Considering she is running a business, I was hoping for better advice than that! She also suggested I start with an outdoor market stall....hmm....probably not ideal for pregnant and breastfeeding women who would like to be trying things on! I got the firm impression that she didnt want me there. So, next step, is to measure the size of the stall I am looking at, to get an idea of how much stock I will need.
The biggest headache for me now is looking into setting up the website. The business option I thought would be the easiest, will likely be the hardest. So I am now looking at my options there.
And cash flow charts....which I will be seeing in my sleep soon! Oh my lord...! Its all the little things isnt it? Shop rail fittings, cash registers, I get much rest over the next couple of weeks? Probably not! With 2 weeks until I meet the bank manager, I need to get my head around all this business.....and hope he likes my smile... :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow you have been a busy bee! It's amazing just how much thought needs to go into these things! We'll have to meet so you can give me an update and if I can help, I'll try do that. Xxxx
